Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background

Cruisin' Canines

Choosing the Best Dogs for Apartments in Chicago

If you live in an apartment in Chicago, and are considering getting a furry friend to keep you company, you’ve probably heard opinions from everyone you’ve mentioned your plans to about what kind of dog you should get. Regardless of whether you get your dog from a shelter, a rescue, a breeder, or somewhere else, there are some considerations to make, particularly if you live in a small apartment or don’t have a yard. Don’t get discouraged, though—there are plenty of dogs who thrive in, and may even prefer, living in smaller apartments.   If you’re worried about proper exercise levels if you live in a small place, you can always hire a dog walker in Chicago as well, so that your pooch gets to work off some of his or her energy while you’re away. Let’s find the right dog for you! Choose Size Wisely If you’re looking for a small dog, you might think that just about any small dog will do well in an apartment due to its size. Surprisingly, that’s not quite true—some dogs have too much energy and need to run around a lot more than an apartment will allow. That said, your options for small dogs are hardly limited, as some of the smaller breeds are noted for being the best for apartments. Breeds like Bichon Frises, Boston Terriers, Brussels Griffons, bulldogs, and pugs are all great for small living spaces. These dogs, while playful, are usually easy to train, relatively quiet, and somewhat independent, making them an ideal choice for your studio or one-bedroom apartment in Chicago. Other pups that love apartments are greyhounds, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Cocker spaniels, and Schnauzers.  Large dogs like Great Danes are not usually great apartment dogs, simply because they take up so much space and need more room to really stretch out and be comfortable. If you’re going the rescue route, check out how high energy the dog is, ask about how much exercise it will need, and find out about other things too, like its temperament and volume. Going into an adoption with as much information as you can is a way to increase the chance of success! Is Important Beyond merely choosing a breed you think is cute and cuddly, it’s important to consider how the dog will act around you and your neighbors. Do some research on dogs you’re considering to learn more about what you can expect. If a dog’s breed has a tendency to become aggressive in confined spaces, or a rescue dog is timid and afraid of other animals, they may not be a good choice for your apartment lifestyle. In a similar vein, try and find out all that you can about how often your new best friend will bark. No one wants to share walls with a pup that never stops yapping—and frankly, you probably won’t enjoy sharing a small space with a dog who’s got a lot to say at a loud volume. Making Sure Your New Dog is Happy Once you’ve found a pooch that’s stolen your heart, it’s up to you to make sure they’re happy in their new home. Talk with your vet to find out the best food for their size and activity level, make sure you have plenty of toys on hand to keep them entertained in your apartment, and work with a Chicago dog walking company to get your new dog set up for regular walks. Keeping your dog on a schedule will ensure that they establish a routine and learn how to function and thrive in their new environment. For help with dog walking in your Chicago neighborhood, contact Cruisin’ Canines to get started!

How to Find a Great Dog Groomer in Chicago

Best Dog Groomers in Chicago

If you’re a dog owner in Chicago, you know that finding a groomer is not a problem—it seems there’s one with a cutesy name on every other street corner! But as we all know, finding the best groomer involves making sure that particular business can handle your dog’s unique needs. For instance, some groomers allow walk-in nail trims, while others require you to call ahead and schedule a full-service visit. When it comes to finding the best dog groomer in Chicago, here are our top tips. First, Decide if You Need a Chicago Groomer for Your Dog You might not think so, but sometimes, you can do the grooming yourself if your dog is low maintenance and you feel comfortable/able to do so. For instance, if you have a shorthaired dog who doesn’t get matted or need hair trims, you can likely take care of the washing by yourself.  However, if your dog is very high energy and doesn’t cooperate with at-home grooming, or if you don’t have the time or space to do it yourself, going to a groomer can be a big help. Find Groomers Near You By Asking for Recommendations If you’re looking for a reputable groomer, asking around for recommendations is usually a good starting point. Your Chicago dog walker likely has some top-rated spots that they can vouch for—they may even bring their own dogs to the places they tell you about. Asking your friends and family, or other nearby dog owners, can also be a good place to get recommendations. Barring that, review sites like Yelp are always a good resource for finding great services near where you live in Chicago. Once You’ve Got a Few in Mind, Visit and Evaluate the Facility After you’ve chosen a few groomers that look like they might be what you need, you can stop in to each of them and evaluate different aspects of the facility. Check out things like whether it’s well lit and well-ventilated (of course, there will be some wet-dog smell, but that’s pretty unavoidable given the nature of the business) and the demeanor of the staff (whether they seem overworked or stressed out—rushing a dog grooming appointment can lead to problems!). You should also check on the size of the cages that the dogs are kept in while they’re waiting for their turn or for their owners to pick them up—the dogs should have enough room to be comfortable. Talk One on One With Staff The easiest way to get a feel for the groomer you’re visiting with is to chat with the staff for a couple of minutes. They can explain the pricing structures, services they offer, and how you can best prepare your pooch for their salon visit. Finding the Best Groomer for You Dog groomers can seem like they’re a dime a dozen, but finding a good one is key to your pet’s happiness and health. Like regular dog walking in Chicago, it’s essential for their overall well-being. Learn more about the groomers in your area today, or talk with us at Cruisin’ Canines about how we, your favorite dog walking company in Chicago, can help you find the best groomer for your pup.

Our MARCH Dog of the Month is

Norbert!                  Breed: Vizsla Age: 2 Where I Live: Lakeview Joys in Life: Burrowing under the covers, howling at firetrucks, playing at the beach, leaping over things, giving kisses, doing tricks, and sleeping in laps. Cruisin’ Dog Walker: Previous: Tom – Current: Gary Photos by Christopher Dellinger of Norb as a pup, at 1yr, and what he looks like now.

Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background