Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background

Cruisin' Canines

If you’re looking for a dog walker, you know that there are a lot of companies out there to choose from. So how can you decide which one is the best fit for you and your dog? In order to make the selection process a bit easier, be sure to ask the companies you’re considering a few questions—including these.

How Expensive Are Your Services?
Of course, price is not the only or even the most important aspect of choosing a dog walker, but it is a big part of the selection process, since you’ll need to make sure that a particular dog-walking company fits within your budget. You should also find out if the company charges for anything extra, like training, or charges any fines, such as if you need to cancel service.

Will the Same Person Always Walk My Dog?
For some pets, meeting new people is stressful. Some dog walking services send whomever is on staff that day, while others will make an effort to send the same person every time in order to make your dog more comfortable. Depending on your dog’s behavior and demeanor, this could be important.
Do You Have Insurance?
When it comes to dog walking, there’s always a risk of something happening that could possibly be covered by the dog walker’s insurance policy. For instance, if they break something valuable at your home that needs replacing. You should also ask about what happens if they accidentally lose your keys—will they pay to change the locks so that your home can remain secure?

Do You Have References?
Any company worth their salt should have at least a few customers willing to vouch for their quality. Ideally, look for a reference who has the same breed of dog as your dog, and also try to get a reference from someone who is no longer a customer. This way, you can get an honest answer about what you might be able to expect.

How Many Dogs Do You Walk At Once?
This is an especially helpful question if your dog isn’t the most sociable pooch out there. It’s helpful to know which dogs your dog will be walked with, if any, so that you can be aware of any potential for disaster.


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Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background