Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background

Cruisin' Canines

What Does It Mean If My Dog Sheds Excessively?

Unless your faithful sidekick is an American Hairless Terrier, then you’re very familiar with a little side effect of owning a dog known as “Pet Hair Everywhere”. Vets call this normal phenomenon shedding and warn that it is not to be confused with abnormal fur loss caused by an underlying issue. So, how can you tell which is which? If your dog sheds excessively or your non-shedding “hypoallergenic” dog starts losing hair, what does it actually mean? Sometimes Shedding Is Normal, Sometimes It’s Not Year-round shedding in dogs occurs as a natural part of the hair growth cycle to which you’ve probably grown accustomed to by now. Except for the unfortunate fact that it leaves your furniture and upholstery in a mess, this type of shedding is no cause for concern. Messy or not, it’s what all healthy dogs do. The only difference is, while some dogs shed their hair all year round, others do it seasonally. In most cases, seasonal shedding usually happens in spring and fall, when dogs prepare for the upcoming change in climate by shedding their undercoat behind. The upper layers of fur itself lose hair too, but still appear intact. And, that’s exactly how you can tell whether or not your furry friend sheds excessively. The kind of dog shedding to which we refer as normal, whether it takes place throughout the year or only during spring and fall, usually manifests itself in rogue hair in the dog’s fur or on your carpet, sofa, and clothes. The abnormal shedding leaves traces on the pet’s body that are visible and hard to miss. And if your dog is hypoallergenic and not supposed to be shedding at all, any sign of hair loss should be taken with caution. What to look for? Pay attention to bald spots and entire patches of missing fur, for starters. A dog that sheds excessively typically experiences skin problems as well. The remaining hair may become brittle and dry and start to break easily. The dog may begin to behave differently, randomly avoiding your touch. What Causes Such Troubling Hair Loss in Furry Dogs? If you notice any of these signs of excessive shedding or hair loss in your hypoallergenic dog, it probably means that there’s an underlying health issue that must be catered to and treated under professional supervision. Grab your dog’s favorite toy and bring them to the vet. Don’t panic, as these issues can be remedied. There are a couple of factors that can trigger excessive shedding in dogs: Allergies to pest bites, food, and medication, as well as to household and pet products. Hormonal imbalances, among which hypothyroidism is most common in dogs. Pregnancy and lactation, which also fall under the category of hormonal imbalances. Various skin conditions, which can be triggered by fungal or bacterial infections. Adrenal diseases, such as Cushing’s disease. Stress and trauma, as a consequence of an illness, an accident, or frequent moving. Stress from routine situations, such as veterinary visits, can cause excessive shedding for short periods of times How to Successfully Treat Excessive Dog Shedding? Whatever the underlying issue is, excessive shedding in dogs can be successfully treated as long as the issue at hand is discovered on time. This is why you shouldn’t take your chances with homemade remedies but take your dog to the vet immediately. Unlike a professional, the internet can be wrong. Depending on the specific health issue, you can expect your dog’s vet to recommend: Antibiotics, in case your canine friend suffers from bacterial infections. Other medications or procedures, in the off-chance that there’s a nodule or a tumor. Hormone treatment, which typically includes supplements. If it turns out that medication is not necessary, you can start reducing shedding through nutrition and grooming. Find a proper brush, designed specifically with your dog’s breed in mind, and switch to hydrocortisone shampoos and sprays, made to calm irritated skin and accelerate healing of skin cells. As for nutrition, the most common food allergies are triggered by chicken, beef, eggs, soy, corn, and wheat, so make sure to exclude these ingredients from the dog’s daily menu. As a replacement, include olive oil or flaxseed oil to wholefood or add vitamin supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids. If your furry little friend leaves more hair on the couch than usual or any hair at all if they’re hypoallergenic, the importance of pre-emptive care cannot be overstressed. Trust your dog’s doctor, and don’t take matters into your own hands. Excessive dog shedding is not a cause for alarm, but it’s always better to be responsible and stay on the safe side. Cruisin’ Canines is your source for all dog care tips and professional Chicago dog walkers. Contact us today if you’re in need of any dog walking, dog boarding, or in-home pet visits.

The 2018 Guide to Dog Walking in the Winter

The winter months will be here before you know it. And that means that dog walks are going to get a bit more challenging for both you and your dog but that doesn’t mean they need to be less fun! We love our dogs, but let’s face it, sometimes we get lazy, and taking our dog for a walk can seem like a difficult thing to do especially is the cold winter months. This is especially true if you’re prone to harsh Chicago winters./p> Dog walks can be particularly difficult during the winter. Morning hours can be dreadfully cold and that’s when most owners take their dogs out before work. There are ways you can make dog walks in the winter enjoyable again. Check them out. Getting proper protection for yourself The first thing you need is adequate winter gear. Apart from getting clothes that will keep you warm, you also need to make sure that you get boots that will give you better traction, especially if your dog is a jolter. Even though you’re able to control your pet in regular conditions, everything will be a bit more difficult in the winter snow. Wear layers of clothes with leggings, shirts, and long underwear. Make sure that you wear a proper winter coat, hats, gloves, and boots. Trust us, you won’t regret it. Get protection for your dog if necessary Overall, most dog breeds can easily handle a winter walk in cold temperatures for a moderate amount of time. However… There are dog breeds that don’t do well in the cold and if your dog is one of those, then you need to make sure that you keep your furry friend protected as well. Dogs with short hair, old dogs, and small puppies need more protection than other dogs, as they can find it difficult to keep warm. Make sure to get an adequate dog vest that’s water resistant. It’s also beneficial to invest in a pair of dog booties to ensure that their paws stay warm as well. One of the difficulties you’ll have to overcome is to teach your dog to wear them. Most dogs aren’t fans of wearing things on their paws. Make sure to do a little training with your dog first before going out. Make sure your dog doesn’t eat any snow Dogs are omnivores and they like to eat, well, everything. This is why you can expect your dog to try and snack on some snow. This might seem like a minute problem but it’s actually quite bad for them. Not only will eating snow decrease their body temperature drastically, but chances are that the snow might contain some harmful chemicals or waste. Snow can also have small and sharp objects that might injure them. Be sure to keep a close eye on your dog and bring treats to ensure that he or she doesn’t eat snow. Bring treats along to Keep a close eye on your best friend – you can never be too sure. Don’t go near water No matter what you do and where you go, make sure that there is no chance that your dog will get too wet. Even if your dog is used to cold temperatures (like huskies), getting wet can be extremely dangerous as not only will your dog get colder, but the water can freeze and hurt them. Luckily, Chicago is filled with many dog-friendly parks where your dog will be safe even during winter. To be careful, make sure to bring something to dry him or her if they get wet as quickly as possible – a dry towel will do. In the end, even if your dog is very much used to the cold, you need to pay attention to his or her behavior. If you see signs like shivering, shaking, or slow movement, make sure to take your dog home as we quickly as possible. And finally – we cannot stress this enough – even if you have a dog that does well in the cold, chances are that he or she got is more comfortable with higher temperatures and can’t withstand being out in the winter for a long time. Be safe. For more dog walking tips or if you’re looking to find the perfect dog walker to take your furry best friend on winter adventures for you look no further than Cruisin’ Canines. We’re Chicagoland’s premier source for dog walking services. Give your dog the walk they deserve.

How to Deal with a Shy Dog

A lot of dogs are friendly, and they love to be close to people. Some dogs just aren’t as open to meeting new people. Every dog is different. Some dogs are full of excitement and always want to cuddle up. Others tend to be more on the introverted and shy side. A reason for a dog’s shyness can be due to a number of factors but, no matter what the case might be, dealing with a shy dog can be a challenging task. You’ll have to put in a bit of extra effort for them to be 100% comfortable with you and your friends. Luckily, Cruisin’ Canines has a few tips on how you can make a shy dog comfortable with whatever is thrown their way. Here is how you can do this: Don’t force contact It can take a lot of time to earn the trust of a shy dog. Unlike with extroverted dogs, you need to ease into interactions with shy dogs. Rather than focusing on what you want, focus on what the dog wants. And, in this case, they may just want a bit of space. Give the dog space to make important decisions and let he or she approach you when it wants to rather than the other way around. When the dog feels comfortable enough, it will approach you on his or her own. You just need to be patient and give them time. Some of the clearest signs that you should give dog space are lip licking, panting, stiffness, growling, tucked tail, and gaze averting. If you notice any of these signals or a combination, make sure to give your pet a little room. Help the dog feel safe All dogs, when they are adopted, may feel a bit scared and out of place. New owners need to try to show them that they are home and safe. Only then will the dog start to feel more comfortable, relaxed, and start breaking out of their shell. Show the dog that you’re their friend. A good place to start is to keep your voice low and speak calmly. Don’t make any big gestures or sudden moves. In case you are a lot taller than your dog, it might feel intimidating. Try to crouch down or and sit on the floor so you’re on their level and then interact with your dog. Approach the dog as gently as possible without any sudden movements or loud noises. During this period, it’s essential to avoid any negative actions that might scare your dog. They’re sensitive, and you don’t want to frighten them. Go out for a walk When your new pooch has finally started to warm up to you, try to take them out for a walk. One of the best ways to make your dog relaxed and to build trust with them is to make them associate you with what they love. Well, we all know that dogs simply love walks and this is a great opportunity to create a bond. At the same time, if your dog is still not doing well with space, a walk is a good way to get them up and moving while still being close to your furry friend at all times, showing them that being near you is no reason to be scared whatsoever. Train & reward No matter what kind of behavior you’re trying to change, try to do it in a subtle way, without startling your dog. Do this by calmly verbalizing everything that you want your dog to do (or not to do). Demonstrate what you want from them. At the same time, it is crucial to reward your dog every time they show good behavior. Whenever you feel like they did something good, be it obeying a command or being relaxed around other people, make sure to reward them. This will not only have a practical benefit, but it will also get your shy dog to stop worrying. He or she will gain confidence and start to act freely. In the end, remember to stay patient. Dealing with a shy dog can be frustrating but you shouldn’t give up on your new friend. After a couple of months of actively working, you will be able to see great results. For a few other tips or if you’re in need of a dog walker or boarding, contact Cruisin’ Canines. We’re experts in making your dog as happy as can be.

Fun Winter Activities You and Your Dog Can Enjoy

Dogs keep us active all the time, so winter isn’t an excuse to avoid walking or playing outside. It’s true that we often become lazy when winter comes, but we must satisfy all our dog’s needs, no matter how cold it is outside. No matter how much you enjoy winter and snow, your dog will love it more. Instead of running home after each short walk, stay outside with your dog longer and enjoy the snow. We found some great tips and winter activities to make you and your dog happy even if it’s freezing outside. Scavenger hunt and fetch Dogs enjoy running and scavenger hunts all year round, but when winter comes, and the first snow covers the parks and backyards, dogs start enjoying these activities even more. Bring your dog’s favorite toy, treats, tennis ball or find a stick in the park. Your dog will enjoy running and playing fetch. Besides, you can hide treats or toys around your backyard and motivate your dog to run and find all these hidden treasures. Winter is an excellent period for exercising. That way, you and your dog will stay fit and active. Choose running instead of walking It’s understandable that you can’t stay out for as long as you would in the summer when it’s cold, but your dog needs to burn all that surplus energy. Instead of returning home with an energized dog ready for more activities, you should run instead of walk. Running through a park covered with snow will help you burn calories and stay fit during the winter, and your dog will be tired and quiet until the next walk. Dogs love running through high levels of snow and it’s easy on your joints as well. Instead of walking for an hour, you can run with your dog for 20 minutes – the result will be the same. Sledding If you have young children, you know that sledding is their favorite winter activity. Instead of spending all day outside playing with your kids and THEN walking your dog, combine these activities. Like children, dogs also like pulling sleds and even participating in sledding. Set up a short course and your child and dog will enjoy it together. This activity shouldn’t last exceptionally long, because you don’t want your dog to pull too much weight for too long. Note: All these activities must be supported by proper equipment. Get some cozy clothes for your fluffy friend and keep him dry and warm. You should buy a jacket or sweater, or even footwear for your dog. Stay outside until your dog gets tired, after that, hurry home and warm him up. If you’re looking for a top-notch dog walker this winter, find your perfect walker with Cruisin’ Canines!

3 Secrets of Chicago Dog Walking

Dog walking is a difficult job that requires a lot of dedication and love. Every business where you work with people is challenging, but when their pets are involved, things can become even more complicated. Dog walkers always need to multitask so that they can properly care for each dog and offer them plenty of love. All dogs have different personalities, and dog walkers must find the best approach to each one. When you live in a big city like Chicago dog walking can be even more challenging, so let’s look at some of the secrets dog walkers wish everyone knew. 1. It’s all about balance and loving your job This job can be stressful but relaxing at the same time, and that balance must be kept all the time. Since caring for dogs is challenging and can cause a lot of stress, dog walkers must be aware of all the problems that might pop up. Being accustomed to different dog breeds makes you ready for all unforeseen situations, and you’ll know precisely how to react to avoid major issues. The unconditional love between dogs and dog walkers is a relief valve. Instead of being mad after a dog does something inappropriate, a dog walker is filled with love at the moment the dog looks at them or jumps to play. These caring people achieve that balance only because they love their jobs. 2. Walking a dog has more benefits than just burning energy Dog walkers usually walk several dogs at the same time, and each dog has to receive enough attention. Besides the primary goal of getting some exercise, your dog will learn how to socialize with other dogs. The aspect of socialization is crucial for your dog’s behavior. Even aggressive dogs can become socialized after a while. Dog walkers must be careful, but when they do a good job, they actually help improve your dog’s character and behavior. Socialized dogs are easier to train, and that socialization can ease both the owner’s and the dog walker’s job. 3. Dog walkers engage themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally Work hours might be very long for dog walkers. Sometimes, they work more than 12 hours a day. That’s very hard mentally, physically, and emotionally. On top of that, some dogs have more energy than others, and you’ll have to run and exercise more with such dogs. After a dog walker establishes that connection and understands how difficult their job might be, dog walkers must make a great effort to give equal attention to all dogs, at all times. Like in any other business, dog walking is hard, and dog walkers must be dedicated continuously. Stressful and unpleasant situations are everyday issues, and dog walkers must work to adapt to it. If you’re looking for a patient dog walker in the Chicago area, reach out to Cruisin’ Canines today!

Best Dog Treats to Take on a Walk

If you’re a dog walker or a dog owner, you surely know how important treats are for your furry friend. To make your dog satisfied and happy, treats are a necessity. If you’re planning a long walk, or just want to make sure that you’ll be able to reward your dog for good behavior or for something new your dog learned, you have to keep some treats on hand. We’ve found some tasty treats that are perfect for when you take your dog on a walk: Kibble If your dog enjoys dry food, kibble is a perfect solution. You can pack kibble into a plastic container and give a few granules to your dog from time to time! Dog food rolls If your dog likes various types of raw or canned food, consider the idea of dog food rolls. Some of them can be an entire meal, so if you are planning a long walk, this is a great solution. You can slice off a piece of a dog food roll and place it in a plastic container. That way, the food will stay fresh, and your dog will be happy. Training treats Having some training treats on hand all the time isn’t a bad idea. You never know when your dog will surprise you with some new tricks! Besides, dog parks are an excellent place for training, so you can help your dog learn new tricks and have a bunch of fun! Besides, training treats are rich with proteins. That way, your dog will stay energized and ready to learn new tricks. Dog cookies Dog biscuits are a favorite treat for many dogs. And the best thing about these treats? They’re rich in carbohydrates and proteins, with at least 50 % meat. They’re perfect for maintaining your dog’s levels of energy – sugars and proteins. Dog bars Dog bars are formulated to replace meals or as meal supplements. Dogs usually love the taste of these treats. Having a dog bar in your pocket is sure to extend your stay in the park and satisfy your dog’s needs. Jerky treats Dehydrated meat treats are a favorite of all dogs. You can choose various treats, including soft bone-shaped beef, chicken, or lamb jerky treats. These treats are high in protein and chewy, and your dog will surely enjoy them. Be sure to pack these treats in a plastic baggy so they stay fresh! Treat Pouches They’re high-value treats, easy to distribute small amounts as you walk for training and nice leash walking, all while keeping your hands clean. The pouches resemble the squeezy pack for toddlers. They are available online at Bark Pouch. Long walks are always recommended! You’ll spend quality time with your dog, and you’ll both enjoy these activities. Make sure to bring a bottle of water and something for the dog to drink out of. If you’re looking for a reliable dog walker in the Chicago area, be sure to reach out to Cruisin’ Canines!

10 Safety Tips to Know Before Your Next Dog Park Visit


When taking your dog to the park, it’s important for both you and your canine pal to have fun, but safety is of equal importance. Here are some safety tips to help ensure you and your dog have an enjoyable experience during your next visit to the local park. 1. Find the Right Park for Your Pet There are several dog-friendly parks in Chicago for dog owners, but only a few will likely be best suited to them. You can find the right park by taking your dog to different ones and figuring out which ones have the best amenities and shape the best experience for your pet. 2. Do Your Research Performing some research on local parks can help you learn which ones are ideal for your dog before you even visit. Check out local reviews and mentions on social media, which can give you a good idea which to check out and which to avoid. 3. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings While you may want to spend some time getting to know the other dog owners in the area and let the dogs play freely, you still need to maintain a level of awareness of the environment, including your dog’s behavior. Pay attention to their posture and reactions to other dogs or other animals nearby. 4. Follow the Local Guidelines Dogs that are over the age of four months will need to have a city dog license. Also, Chicago dog parks require all pets to wear a $5 dog-friendly area tag upon visiting. Dog owners need to follow both the guidelines for their dogs and maintain awareness of other dogs in the area to avoid any strays that could potentially cause harm. 5. Get Contact Information for Animal Control Before paying a visit to the park, get some contact information for both the local Animal Care and Control center and the local police. This could prove invaluable if an animal is present that’s out of control or posing a threat to others. 6. Expect Fights to Break Out Even if your dog is extremely docile, your pet could cause inadvertently provoke a violent reaction in another dog that could result in a fight. As a result, dog owners should always be protective with their dog and be prepared to defend them and remove them from a fight. 7. Break Up Fights as Safely as Possible While you may believe you’re adequately prepared to handle a fight should one occur, it’s important to make sure you break up a fight safely and calmly. Animal deterrent sprays and small air horns are good to have to break up fights without risking your own safety in the process. 8. Cautiously Introduce Your Dog to Others In many cases, dogs will be unavoidable near the entrance to the park. If you want to avoid conflict, it’s best to slowly introduce your dog by the fence or entrance, which will allow you to keep a close eye on the reaction of both your dog and others’. 9. Consider the Environment Another crucial consideration is the environment of the dog park, including the intensity of the sun and other factors that could require you to bring certain protective measures along with you, including sunscreen or life jackets. Areas with hot pavement may also require protection for your dog’s feet in the form of booties or ointments. 10. Prepare Your Dog Beforehand This will entail more than simply grabbing your leash and taking off. Consider your pet’s temperament and overall familiarity with other dogs and wild animals. Based on this, you should prepare your pet beforehand with training or other measures that help keep both you and your dog content. Taking all of these steps into account, you and your canine companion can enjoy a weekly or daily visit to the park without any stress or risk of unexpected and unpleasant surprises.

The Essential Guide to Getting Your Dog to Run with You

A dog can be a great exercise partner if you’re a runner. Whether you simply like to get a run in or are training for a marathon, you can always bring your dog along to give your companion a healthy workout at the same time. Here’s a brief guide to help you get started on getting your dog to enjoy a run with you. Don’t Rush into It Keep in mind, if your dog isn’t used to running, it’s important to start slow to avoid injury. Like when us humans start off running, it takes practice and guidance. You can begin with short-distance jogs to get the dog used to running, and work your way up to several miles over time. Make Sure Your Dog is Healthy Before having your dog join you on a run, confirm that it’s okay with your veterinarian, as not all dogs are suited to endurance work or prolonged exercise. Even if your vet confirms your dog is healthy and capable of enjoying a run with you, you should feed the dog no less than an hour prior to running to avoid bloat. Also, check for any cuts or scrapes on your dog’s feet and avoid going for runs on particularly rough terrain. You should also only run with your dog on cooler days to prevent heat exhaustion. Get the Right Gear When running with your dog, you may find that a traditional leash becomes more of an inconvenience than an asset. A handheld leash could easily make you feel off-balance and make it more difficult for your dog to maintain a consistent speed. Instead, consider investing in a waist leash that attaches to your core and can help ease any tension. Your dog should also have the proper gear. While a traditional collar may risk neck injury if a sudden stop is needed, some harnesses can affect a dog’s gait and make running both difficult and unsafe. Find a harness that is comfortable for your dog and which evenly distributes pressure across your dog’s core. If you’re not sure, you can always ask your vet what it best for your dog’s body type. Safety gear is another consideration to keep in mind; make sure you have reflective gear for both you and your dog if you’re running in the evenings, or during darker days. There are also light-up collars or flashing light attachments for collars and leashes that will help your dog stand out. Practice Patience It can take some time for your dog to get used to your running routine, making it important to be patient with him or her. Your dog may tend to stop to sniff around or move in front of you, putting your run to a frequent halt, but over time your dog should get used to running on a regular basis. Work with a trainer to teach your dog useful commands such as “leave it,” “hurry up,” “slow down,” “left,” or “right.” Enjoy a Run with Your Dog Today By taking these steps, you and your dog can experience a pleasant workout on a regular basis. You’ll be able to exercise or train while helping make sure your dog gets his or her exercise at the same time. While your dog may not be able to run with you every time you two go out, you can mix walking and running as equally important ways to ensure your canine pals get the exercise they need every day, encouraging a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Where are the Best Chicago Dog Rescue Centers?

Rescuing dogs and other animals is becoming an increasingly popular option over buying from pet stores or breeders. One of the reasons for this is the problems regarding overpopulation, making it more important to provide homes for pets that truly need them instead of breeding more of them. Here are some of the best Chicago dog rescue shelters where you can find that perfect canine companion. Red Door Animal Shelter Unlike other government-funded animal shelters, Red Door Animal Shelter accepts funding through private foundations, donations, and grants. The shelter adopts abandoned and abused dogs, cats, and rabbits, keeping them in a cage-free environment. It’s a no-kill shelter, and offers admittance along with spaying and neutering. Low-income pet owners can even pick up free pet food here, helping those who are struggling to care for their pets. Chicago Canine Rescue What sets Chicago Canine Rescue apart from other dog rescue centers is that it accepts animals that are often challenging to find homes for, whether they’ve suffered from abuse or neglect. The shelter cares for sick, elderly, and young animals that need a home, without any risk of euthanasia. They also now accept kittens and older cats in addition to dogs. PAWS Chicago PAWS Chicago offers a cage-free and no-kill environment for all of its animals, but the shelter also works to find more homes for pets. PAWS provides education for the community about the issues regarding animal homelessness, spays and neuters pets, and hosts adoption events throughout Chicago to increase awareness. New Leash On Life Chicago This nonprofit provides care free veterinary for all animals and work to facilitate adoptions. They also provide counseling services and education to the Chicago community to assist with the reduction of overpopulation through the teaching of current and prospective pet owners. Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control is a nonprofit that helps set up adoptions with animals that come into the Chicago Animal Care and Control (ACC). The organization also educates pet owners about proper care, particularly for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals. With these options for dog adoption centers in Chicago, you’ll be able to find the perfect pet in need of a loving home and companionship.

5 How-To’s for Walking Your Dog

An ideal dog walk would consist of a nice time simply strolling outside while your dog strolls beside, just the two of you enjoying your time out for the day or night. However, dogs are often focused on the here and now, finding many distractions in their environment, which can cause some frustration for their owners. Here’s how to work with: An Overprotective Dog When Walking Sometimes certain dogs will feel a responsibility to protect their owners, whether from other canines or people. This can happen because they sense a submissive energy from their owner and they feel the need to keep you protected. You can take certain steps to socialize your dog with people and other canines by practicing remaining calm and assertive around your dog throughout walks, invite neighbors and friends to your home along with calm and non aggressive dogs, have people you trust accompany with you on a walk, or work with a professional if you need extra assistance. This can help boost your dog’s confidence and get them to feel like you’re in charge of things at the same time. A Whining Dog When Walking There are many reasons why dogs might whine, including for appeasement, greeting, or anxiety. These are the signs of each type, and some ways to help calm your dog if he or she displays these behaviors on a walk: Appeasement — This type of whining typically occurs when a dog feels submissive to other dogs or people, and is usually indicated through a whimper. Dogs trying to appease might also tuck in their tails and show their bellies. These whines are typically not problematic. Greeting — This is another friendly type of whine that shouldn’t cause concern on walks. Tail wagging and smiling indicate this whine. If other dogs or people act similarly friendly in response, this likely won’t be a problem. Anxiety — When in the presence of intimidating people, animals, or environments, dogs will often whine. This type of whine usually involves drooling, pacing, or panting. You can help calm your dog by showing affection or determining the source of the anxiety and avoiding it. A Pulling Dog When Walking The bigger the dog, the more challenging it can be to handle pulling on a leash. Contrary to what many believe, a pulling dog doesn’t necessarily indicate a desire to be an alpha dog or pack leader. Pulling is much more likely to stem from simple excitement and eagerness to seek out certain curiosities, or from a surge of aggression or anxiety out of being restrained. Dog owners can prevent problems with pulling by using equipment such as harnesses to assist them, or using certain techniques such as stopping and refusing to move until the dog stops pulling. In some cases, you can even switch directions to help lure the dog away, or motivating your dog to follow you with a promising reward. An Anxious Dog When Walking Anxiety is a potential nuisance in many cases, resulting in whining, salivating, withdrawnness, or even aggressive behavior. The key to calming your dog in these instances is to offer a reward such as a treat, which can distract them, avoiding potential triggers such as larger dogs or other people, along with planning your routes accordingly, or even administering drugs as prescribed by a veterinarian if needed. Putting your dog through obedience training and discipline can also help them remain calmer when out for walks or even at home when you’re gone. An Aggressive Dog When Walking Dogs can often become aggressive during walks, threatening other canines or people. Again, offering a reward such as a treat for good behavior can be beneficial, and going through obedience and disciplinary training can also help prevent this behavior. You should also consider taking steps to socialize your dog, as described above. The more a dog becomes used to the consequences of their aggression and the rewards for good behavior, the more you can prevent aggressive behavior and make your dog more content. Train Your Dog at Home and on Walks One way to keep your dogs happy and more relaxed is to effectively train them with basic commands in different contexts, which can help improve their understanding and confidence. For instance, commanding a dog to “sit” in anticipation of a treat is different than a “sit” or “stay” intended to keep dogs from becoming too excited when around people or other canines. The more you teach your dogs, the easier it will be to indicate to them what you want while keeping them happier. Once you’ve learned how to more effectively influence your dog’s behavior, understanding and meeting their needs, you’ll be able to make every walk an equally pleasant experience for both parties.

Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background